Sted KHIO, Fossveien 24, 0551, Oslo
Dato 9. desember til 12. desember
Tidspunkt 10:00 - 15:00
Påmeldingsfrist 13.oktober
Språk. Norwegian / English / Swedish
Pris 1.300,- kroner
Dette arrangementet er et samarbeid mellom PRODA - Proffesjonell dansetrening, KHIO MA Dans og Skuespiller - og danseralliansen.
NB. Vi følger etisk standard for musikk- og scenekunstinstitusjonene.
DREAM WORKSHOP with director and performance-artist Charlotte Engelkes (SE).
Charlotte Engelkes, has a solid background in modern dance and theatre. Her range spans dance, theatre, performance art and opera, both in her own productions and in collaboration with others. She has since 2003 been a member of Sasha Waltz & Guests, and as a dancer and actress, she has collaborated with The Tiger Lillies, Heiner Goebbels, Raimund Hoghe, Ong Keng Sen among others.
The theme for the week is Dreams! - I believe in dreams. What makes us happy and what disturbs our dreams beyond deeply.
Very much alike all the playful ways Charlotte enters a new collaboration, this workshop will be all about incidents, instincts and methods in how to find, unfiltered - and adventures ways to create performative content, and processing and execute the material in relation to the thematic.
The workshop is interdisciplinary, where you are your own tool fit for research based on improvisation, solo and groupwork in performing situations.